The Healing Power of Our Words

As a spiritual energy healer, I am passionate about helping others live a more harmonious life. I firmly believe that our words have power, and by being mindful of how we think and speak, we can create positive changes in our lives.

Having personally experienced the highs and the lows of life, I have learned the importance of being aware of my self-talk and choosing to make better choices around how I communicate with others. Taking ownership of how you choose to live your life is of the utmost importance.

As a spiritual energy healer, I understand the intricate connection between the mind, body, and spirit. I recognise that true healing involves addressing all aspects of our being, and I am committed to providing holistic support to those seeking guidance. By tapping into the universal energy that surrounds us, I connect with the positive and healing vibrations to help restore balance and vitality.

One of the key principles I embrace is the power of words. Our thoughts and words create our reality, and by becoming conscious of our internal dialogue and the language we use, we can create a profound transformation in our lives. I encourage everyone to adopt a positive mindset, replacing self-limiting beliefs with empowering affirmations. By consciously choosing words that uplift and inspire, we can manifest positive change and attract more joy and abundance into our lives.

Here are some ways to use positive words to heal:

  • Use positive affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis. They can be about anything you want to improve in your life, such as your health, relationships, or career. For example, you could say to yourself, "I am strong and healthy," or "I am loved and supported."

  • Speak positively to yourself and others. Pay attention to the words you use when talking to yourself and others. Try to avoid using negative words and phrases, such as "I can't," "I'm not good enough," or "That's stupid." Instead, focus on using positive words and phrases, such as "I can do it," "I am worthy," and "That's a great idea."

  • Read positive books and articles. Surround yourself with positive words by reading books and articles that focus on positive topics, such as gratitude, happiness, and success. You can also read positive quotes and affirmations throughout the day.

  • Listen to positive music. Music is a powerful tool that can affect our mood and emotions. When you're feeling down, try listening to upbeat music with positive lyrics.

Energy Healer - Vikki Mackereth - Seed of Life Wellness Centre

Here are some positive affirmations to help you with your healing:

  • I am healthy

  • I am strong

  • I am loved

  • I am worthy

  • I am capable

  • I am resilient

  • I am grateful

  • I am happy

  • I am successful

  • I am at peace

  • I am whole

  • I am love

  • I am loved

  • I am loving

Using positive words is a simple but effective way to heal from emotional and physical pain. When you use positive words, you are sending a message to your mind and body that you are safe, loved, and worthy. You are also creating a more positive environment around you.

Having personally experienced various challenges and triumphs in my life, I now understand how my self-talk and beliefs contributed to those challenges. As I became aware of this and made a conscious effort to choose my words wisely, I noticed that there were more triumphs than challenges happening in my life.

We use words every day, often without thinking about their impact. But it's important to remember that our words have power. They can shape the way people see themselves, the way they see the world, and the way they interact with us.

Here are some examples of the power of words:

  • Words can inspire and motivate. When we tell someone they're smart, capable, or talented, we can boost their confidence and help them achieve their goals.

  • Words can heal and comfort. When we offer words of encouragement or support to someone who is going through a difficult time, we can help them feel better and give them hope.

  • Words can build relationships. When we use kind and respectful words with others, we create a positive and supportive atmosphere. This can lead to stronger relationships and a more fulfilling life.

  • Words can change the world. When we use our words to speak out against injustice and advocate for change, we can make a difference in the world.

Of course, words can also have a negative impact. When we use hurtful words, we can damage people's self-esteem, relationships, and even their physical health.

  • A harsh word to a child can damage their self-esteem and make them feel worthless.

  • A hurtful remark to a loved one can cause pain and resentment.

  • A discriminatory or hateful comment can contribute to a hostile environment and make others feel unsafe.

It's important to be mindful of the words we use. We should choose our words carefully and use them to build others up, not tear them down.

Here are some tips for using your words wisely:

  • Be mindful of your intent. Before you say something, ask yourself what your intention is. Do you want to build someone up or tear them down?

  • Choose your words carefully. Think about the impact your words will have on the other person. Avoid using hurtful or judgmental language.

  • Be respectful. Even if you disagree with someone, you can still treat them with respect. Avoid using insults or name-calling.

  • Be honest and authentic. Be true to yourself and your values. Don't say things just to please others.

  • Use your words to make a difference. Speak out against injustice and advocate for change. Use your voice to make the world a better place.

Words have power. They can build us up or tear us down. They can inspire us or discourage us. They can heal us or hurt us.

When we use positive words, we are sending a message to our minds and bodies that we are safe, loved, and worthy. We are also creating a more positive environment around us.

Here are some more tips for making the most of using positive words to heal:

  • Be consistent. The more often you use positive words, the more powerful their effect will be.

  • Be specific. When you repeat positive affirmations, be as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying "I am healthy," say "I am free of pain and disease."

  • Be believable. It's important to believe the positive words that you are saying. If you don't believe them, your mind will not be receptive to them.

  • Be patient. It takes time to heal from emotional and physical pain. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Just keep using positive words and trust that the healing process is happening.

As a spiritual energy healer my purpose is to guide individuals to live a more balanced and harmonious life. I believe in the power of words and the significance of our thoughts and speech. Through my own experiences and growth, I have learnt to make better choices and to take ownership of how I live my life.

By recognising the power of our decisions, we can create a life that aligns with our true desires and values.  Using positive words to heal is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and dedication. But it is a journey that is well worth taking. 

Remember, your words have power. Use them wisely.

Not sure how to start your healing journey? Contact Vikki for guidance.


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